TItle image 13 Motivating Quotes to Elevate your Money Mindset with girl overlooking vineyard in Italy

13 Motivating Quotes to Elevate Your Money Mindset

When it comes to our finances, sometimes all we need to feel like a million bucks (and stay motivated to earn it) is a good quote.

Believe it or not, I’ve found that often times the only thing separating my clients from financial success is a healthy, positive money mindset.

Our thoughts are so powerful, trendsetters. They control our perception of the world around us and our ability to see life’s potential.

And the best part? We have 100% control over them.

Imagine your positive thoughts as a versatile, impeccably styled, compliment-inducing accessory. If you can help it, you don’t leave the house without one!

I’m convinced that Carrie Bradshaw, our favorite Sex & the City trendsetter, never left the house without a good pair of shoes or positive mindset. She taught us a thing or two about finances, too, through her love for Manalo Blahnik. Read more on that here.

By working to maintain a positive mindset around my finances, I set myself up for success and give myself the tools to help others do the same. It’s not always picture perfect, and sometimes I don’t succeed. But the important thing is that I keep trying.

One way I accomplish this is by remembering that we are what we consume. Therefore, I ensure the content I subscribe to on social media is motivating, empowering, and full of positive energy.

Life is too short for anything else, am I right?

Today I’m giving you 13 motivating money quotes to fill your news feed and your head space.

Think of these as keys to keep you creating, dreaming, building, and working towards your financial success.

If you focus on just one of these quotes per day, how different do you think your life will be after those 13 days?

These quotes are from past and current global financial and fashion greats, some rising stars, and others have chosen to remain anonymous (like me!).

1. “Budgeting isn’t about limiting yourself – it’s about making the things that excite you possible.”

Motivational Money Quote: "Budgeting isn't about limiting yourself - it's about making the things that excite you possible."

This quote reminds us our mindset is everything – especially when it comes to our relationship with money.

Do you see a budget – or as I like to call it, a “spending plan” – as a constraint or as a tool?

Do you think of creating a spending plan as telling yourself “no” or telling yourself “I’m working towards something even better?”

I challenge you to see the possibilities and excitement in refining what you prioritize and ultimately spend your hard-earned money on. If you need help creating your spending plan, shoot me a note and I’ll show you how to get started!

2. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. She who understands it, earns it. She who doesn’t, pays it.” – Albert Einstein

Motivational Money Quote: Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. She who understands it, earns it. She who doesn't, pays it. -Albert Einstein

Are you in-the-know on the greatest trend of all time? This quote tells us even Einstein gives it a thumbs up.

Compound interest (interest compounding on interest already earned AND your principal investment) allows your money to grow and work for you.

(Read: to buy TWO pairs of Louboutins instead of one. How’s that for motivation?)

I talk more in-depth on this great wonder in my post about why compound interest is better than a Hermes Birkin bag.

Have you taken advantage of this superpower yet? You can follow this timeless trend no matter where you fall on the risk-tolerance spectrum: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs…even money market savings at your bank!

So, what are you waiting for?

3. “Don’t let money run your life. Let money help you run your life better.” – John Rampton

Motivational Money Quote: "Don't let money run your life. Let money help you run your life better." - John Rampton

Style tip: Money is your resource, not your master. You have the power to decide what controls your thoughts, your actions, and your life.

Isn’t that so empowering?

This quote by John Rampton reminds us to look at money as a tool to get us where we want to go, support causes close to our hearts, and care for the people we love.

How will you use money to make your life (and the lives around you) better?

4. “If your WHY isn’t strong enough, your excuses will be.”

Motivational Money Quote: "If your WHY isn't strong enough, your excuses will be."

This quote refreshes our memory that our resilience and belief in our dreams are greater than our negative self-talk.

Excuses are draining – to us and those around us. Do we really want to waste our precious energy coming up with all the reasons why we can’t achieve something?

Snooze alert, trendsetters.

This especially applies to our financial goals.

WHY are we working so hard?

WHY do we want to make “X” amount of money?

WHO are the most important people in our lives?

HOW will our ability to earn wealth impact them?

Style tip: You are stronger than your excuses, more patient than you give yourself credit, and your opportunities to earn are more abundant than you can imagine. Stay motivated!

In fact, I put together a list for you of 100 ways to make more money so you can start investing ASAP. Access your copy here.

5. “It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.”

Motivational Money Quote: "It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits."

Do you get paid this week? Remember this gem of a quote as you plan your weekend – and purchases.

If we can’t manage our finances with a $50,000 salary, we most likely will not be able to do so with a $100,000 salary, either.

The good news? I’ve created an easy formula for success to help you create healthy, successful money habits starting with your next paycheck. Discover why I want you to S-H-O-P with every paycheck.

6. “Live less out of habit and more out of intent.”

Motivational Money Quote: "Live less out of habit and more out of intent."

Speaking of habits…

Don’t get me wrong, as I stated above, habits can be wonderful for staying motivated and on track – if they are intentional.

The above quote refers to the mindless habits we’ve picked up over time that creep into our daily lives and sabotage our success.

Style tip: Everything we do should be done intentionally and with purpose.

It’s easy to fall into mindless habits – buying $15 lunches every day, telling ourselves “maybe tomorrow” for all those things we keep putting off, buying something just because it’s on sale (I’m guilty as charged on all 3 counts).

Bad habits are tough to break, and this is what has worked for me in the past:

I ask myself before every purchase…

“What is the purpose of this item in my life?”

“Is this choice in line with my priorities and goals for a fiscally fabulous lifestyle?

When we live full of intention, we are truly self-aware, in control, and much more easily live a life in alignment with our values.

7. “Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have, or do.” – Brian Tracy

Motivational Money Quote: "Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have, or do." - Brian Tracy

Your life is a work of art. If someone saw it hanging up in a museum, this quote inspires us to ask ourselves: “What would it look like?”

The best part? You hold the paintbrush!

You can use whatever mix of colors your heart desires, add glitter (duh), create textures – it’s all up to you what you express.

There is no limit to what is defined as “art” – so don’t put such limits on your life, either!

To be candid, I have struggled with letting self-limiting beliefs control my life. No one else has put me in a box but me.

Commit with me to possessing a mindset of abundance and endless possibilities to create, build, dream, design, empower, inspire, and earn!

You determine how you will spend your time and, by default, how much wealth you will have one day. Empowering and terrifying at the same time, isn’t it?

Style tip: If our goals don’t scare us a little, they probably aren’t big enough. So just go for it.

8. “Money grows on the tree of persistence.”

Motivational Money Quote: "Money grows on the tree of persistence."

We don’t expect to get washboard abs by going to the gym once a year, right?

So, why would we expect to build wealth just by saving from one paycheck?

Style tip: Be as persistent, patient, and disciplined with your savings as you are with your workout routine. You’ll love your results, promise.

9. “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own example.” – John Wooden

Motivational Money Quote: "The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own example." - John Wooden

This quote by John Wooden teaches us a valuable lesson.

If we are looking to be surrounded by motivated, driven, and encouraging team members…we need to look within first!

They say we are the 5 people we spend the most time with – how are others impacted by spending their time with you?

Are you holding yourself accountable? Are you “practicing what you preach?”

If I was irresponsible with my own personal finances and investments, how could I possibly set out to empower other women with the education and tools needed to be fiscally fabulous?

Hold yourself accountable to YOU and great things will happen. Let’s be the good we wish to see in the world. It starts with us.

10. “Replace ‘spend’ with ‘invest’ in your vocabulary and notice how it impacts your everyday decisions.” – Randy Thio

Motivational Money Quote: "Replace the word 'spend' with 'invest' in your vocabulary and notice how it impacts your everyday decisions." - Randy Thio

Randy Thio reminds us in this quote that small changes can have big impacts.

It’s amazing how just one word can make a huge difference in how we look at something – in this case, a potential purchase.

Using the word “invest” instead of “spend” helps us be more mindful every time we look to make a purchase. When I use this tool, I see my purchases as investments in myself, my goals, my future, and those I care about.

I don’t want to knowingly make a poor investment, do you?

If it doesn’t align with our WHY (see quote #4), in the long-run it will likely be a not-so-great use of our time, energy, and resources.

11. “The best investment you can make is in yourself.” – Warren Buffett

Motivational Money Quote: "The best investment you can make is in yourself." - Warren Buffett

We can talk about the benefits of investing in the stock market all day long. But if we aren’t also investing in ourselves, we will never feel fulfilled – no matter how large our investment returns are or how many Chanel bags we own.

One of the greatest investors of all time, Warren Buffett, even says so.

One of the easiest ways to invest in ourselves is to seek knowledge through reading books, listening to podcasts, and enrolling in courses on subjects that interest and develop us.

In fact, I’ve created a list of 10 books to help you develop personally and professionally as you learn how to be a fiscally fabulous investor. Access my shoppable reading list here.

12. “The more you learn, the more you earn.” – Warren Buffett

Motivational Money Quote: "The more you learn, the more you earn." - Warren Buffett

Another timeless quote from one of my investor role models.

While Warren Buffett is referring to the ability to increase our money earning potential by learning and mastering our crafts (which is 100% true), I’m going to take it a step further.

Learning earns us experience.

It earns us influence.

Learning earns us trust and strengthened relationships.

It earns us the power to make a difference in other people’s lives (whether monetarily or with our time and talents).

If we focus on earning these things through our learning, the money will follow.

13. “If you are going to kick ass, you need kickass shoes.”

Motivational Money Quote: "If you are going to kick ass, you need kickass shoes."

Trendsetters, I do not make the rules. In fact, I usually advocate breaking the “rules” and, consequently, the glass ceilings we face as women in business.

Style tip: There is one rule, however, that I never break when it comes to investing. Discover what that rule is here.

Another universal truth? When we look good, we feel good.

We feel confident.

It’s also true that how we dress is not everything – but it is something when it comes to putting our best (Louboutin-adorned) foot forward.

Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed for wanting to look polished and put together.

Just remember that when the heels go back on the shelf and the makeup comes off, you are still just as awesome and fiscally fabulous.

So, trendsetters, do these quotes help you feel ready and motivated to take on the world?

I’d love to learn which quote is your favorite and speaks to you the most.

What inspiring quotes that motivate you did I not include on this list? Share below!

Happy earning and learning!

Xx, The Finance Fashionista