Cover Image Define Your Manolo: What Carrie Bradshaw Taught Us About Money

Define Your Manolo: What Carrie Bradshaw Taught Us About Money

The beloved Sex & the City character, Carrie Bradshaw, had many witty, quotable anecdotes on her show, and she was always right on the money. Including one of my favorites:

“You shouldn’t have to sacrifice who you are just because someone else has a problem with it.”

-Carrie Bradshaw

While Bradshaw’s fun and fashionable character has inspired women everywhere to be bold, cherish our female friendships, follow our career aspirations, and never give up on finding love, there’s another little lesson she taught us, too:

The importance of goals – financial goals, to be exact.

To see Bradshaw’s money wisdom, we have to read between the lines a little.

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & The City saying "I've spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes." Money quote

After all, Bradshaw wasn’t necessarily “good” with money. In fact, she was often deemed pretty financially irresponsible. On one episode she even proclaimed:

“I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.”

-Carrie Bradshaw


(Style tip: While I love the idea of what that closet might look like, I don’t recommend putting all your eggs in that one basket. In fact, I share the importance of diversifying out of your closet in my post on Why Compound Interest is Better Than a Birkin Bag.)

No, this lesson runs deeper than the bottom of your Louis Vuitton Neverfull.

In case you missed it:

Carrie Bradshaw taught us about priorities and setting financial goals – through her love of Manolo Blahnik.

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & The City looking at her collection of Manolo Blahnik shoes
Strategic product placement, Carrie.

The Spanish shoe designer, who has won the hearts (and feet) of women everywhere (myself included), crafted the designs that were Carrie Bradshaw’s ultimate favorites to wear on the show.

Carrie Bradshaw worked hard for her Manolo’s.

She saved up for her Manolo’s.

She made it her priority to own her Manolo’s.

Her Manolo’s were her “why.”

What does all this have to do with money goals?

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & the City discussing Manolo Blahnik shoes

My goal for this post is to help you draw a parallel between Bradshaw’s financial priorities and yours – and act on them!

While it’s likely your #1 financial priority isn’t as materialistic as a pair of shoes (but if it is, you do you…just remember to also S-H-O-P with your paycheck), you can replace the word “Manolo” above with something that’s just as important to you.

In other words, all of us can define our Manolo, or our “why.”

Our “Manolo” could be anything – it represents someone/something/someplace that is a priority to us.

Better yet – we can have multiple Manolo’s!

Priorities I often hear from clients are things like retiring early, traveling, starting a business, putting kids through college, being debt-free, etc.

(P.S. About to take that vacation you’ve worked so hard for? Avoid buyer’s remorse and enjoy a guilt-free holiday by reading my tips here.)

Now, it’s your turn.

Start by filling in the blanks:

  • I work hard for ______.
  • I save up for _______.
  • I make it a priority to own/accomplish/be _______.

What answers did you come up with?

Is Your Manolo in Alignment?

(^Probably the most bizarre heading I’ve ever written, but I’m keeping it.)

Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & the City holding a Manolo Blahnik shopping bag

Next, take a look at your recent spending. Give yourself at least the last month or so to review.

Do your saving and spending habits reflect your defined “Manolo” above?

If you answered “no,” you are not alone, trendsetter. UberEats and Amazon Prime will be the downfall of us all.

While there’s no quick fix, I’m here to walk you through how to make lasting positive changes to your money habits.

I’m here to help you put your money habits in alignment with your “Manolo.”

Step one: I will teach you how to use my S-H-O-P method to give your finances a jump start as soon as your next paycheck. Learn more here.

Step two: Shoot me a note and let’s come up with a game plan.

Though it can seem daunting at times, never give up on yourself and your ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to – especially money goals! Our favorite New Yorker said it best:

“When you are determined to reach your goal, not even obstacles can scare you away.”

-Carrie Bradshaw

What is your ultimate “Manolo”? I would love to hear below!

Xx, The Finance Fashionista